A reframing and relaxation book to assist children with anxiety, feelings of guilt or failure, and to develop coping strategies and more positive mindsets.
“Elijah felt that everything was too big right now – his troubles, his fears, life in general.”
The Harp
The book is ideal for children whose parents are going through a separation, or who are struggling to cope with a big life change.
Please contact me by email or phone to place an order. RRP £12.99.
NOW with a new FREE PDF workbook to accompany the story book. As your child completes the workbook, we can discuss their answers and identify where further support may be needed.

“I’m not good enough”.
“I don’t fit in”.
“Why does this always happen to me?”
“I could never do that”.
Do any of these sound familiar? This is the Critical Parent, a psychological state which many of us are stuck in as a result of conditioning from childhood. We talk to ourselves in this Critical Parent state without realising we are doing it.
In this book, you will learn about where the Critical Parent comes from and the enormous impact it can have on how we live our lives and even how physically well we are.
You will learn how to tame the Critical Parent and move into a more nurturing state which fosters self-acceptance and freedom to live your life to your full potential.
Say goodbye to social anxiety and self-doubt, and open the door to a new way of living.
Available NOW on Amazon!