Emma is a fully qualified hypnotherapy practitioner, having trained comprehensively with eminent hypnotherapists and psychotherapists in Norwich. Her qualification covers not only clinical hypnotherapy, but also psychotherapy, counselling, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), coaching, TFT (thought field therapy), regression, guided affective imagery, psycho-imaginative therapy, timeline therapy and Transactional Analysis hypnotherapy.

The course is fully accredited by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council and is highly regarded by fellow therapy professionals.

The course provided both theory and practical assessments in matters ranging from treatment of anxiety and panic attacks, to confidence and self-esteem building, pain management, treatment of OCD, working with depression, and much more.

Since qualification, Emma continues to invest in further training, believing that this will serve to make her even more effective and place her at the forefront of therapy services in her local area and beyond. She has completed courses on anger management, self-harm, creative therapy using art and drawing, Gestalt training, counselling for grief and bereavement, and is currently working towards further courses which will establish her as a gender, sex and relationship accredited practitioner.